March Newsletter

Hello to all our clients. Welcome to March, this month is try a treatment for the first time. We welcome in spring, brighter mornings and longer evenings. This is what we have been looking forward to, after the last few months of very cold weather. Before we go any further just a few dates to remember : * 1st March - St. David Day, * 9th March - Common Wealth Day, * 17th March - St. Patrick Day, * 22nd March - Mothering Sunday, * 29th March - European Summer Time Begins. Now back to the business of beauty. Now is the time to get your skin ready for the new season. The best facials for this is the Guinot Beaute Nerve which is a facial peel of 8 - 10 % fruit peel, which make this a very gentle facial for all skin types. Next we have the crystal clear MDA facial a gentle exfoliating facial using crystals to remove dead skin from the face. To reveal bright smooth skin. Last but not least the Glo Therapeutic facial, a home care kit must be purchased and used two weeks priory to the start o...