February Newsletter 2010 Hello everyone and welcome to Valentines month. You must have seen all the Red in the shops since January now all thoughts are on February 14th Valentines Day and what to buy your partner for that special day. But let’s not forget that Valentine Day is for everyone. So Ladies do remember to buy something for you partner and not just wait for him to get you something and Men remember to buy something for you partner and don’t pretend to be color blind there are enough proms out there, Tesco’s flower on the day is not always enough. And for all of us Valentine is for everyone say Happy Valentine to your work colleagues your Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Gran in fact anyone you care about make it a happy day for everyone. Valentine Special offer this month only No discount available on special offer treatments Buy1 get 1 ½ price on the following treatments 1 Hr Swedish massage £55.00 X 1 ½ Total price £82.50 Full Body Aromatherapy Massage £60.00 X 1 ½ Total Pri...