September Newsletter

September 09 Newsletter
September has turned the corner and now is the time to get your skin ready for the new season.
A few tips to help you get ready for September.
1) Exfoliate the face at lease 2 times per week using a gentle exfoliate such as Guinot Gommage Biologique or mix your own using cornmeal with a few spoons of honey.
2) As the weather starts getting colder you will need to change your moisturiser to one that is a little heavier to protect the skin from the climate and central heating.
3) Use pure jojoba or avocado oil to remove eye make-up including water proof mascara. A few
drops of oil on a cotton wool pad and wipe over eye area. This also helps to condition your lashes and eyebrow.
4) Keep the body looking great with regular body brushing, exfoliating and the use of body cream or good body oil? Body brush every day this should take 2mins, before you have a shower and moisturise every day for great looking skin. Don’t forget the feet while you are exfoliating they need to be looked after as well.
Most importantly drink plenty of water, exercise and get a good night sleep.
Here a few special offers for September.
Relaxing neck, shoulder massage with a express spa facial 1 hr £50.00
Relax Zone- Foot and leg massage with an express spa facial ¾ hr £45.00
Indian Head massage with Violate ½ hr £29.00
Hopi ear candle treatment with Charlotte ½ hr £29.00
£50.00 discount on Permanent Make-up with Jemma she can be reached on 07789792353.
£20.00 discount on all injectables with pat Dowdy the cosmetic nurse can be reached on 0778784998
Amber beauty salon for all you beauty needs.


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