gloChemical Exfoliation Treatments

Our professional gloChemical Exfoliation treatments provide customised programs for each individual to help achieve subtle, gradual or astonishing transformation. Designed to stimulate a fresh appearance and improve the appearance of fine lines, imperfections and discoloration.
Consultation is needed before start of treatments

Radiance Facial EnzymeFreshens the skin by helping to remover dead skin cells
Blue Berry Facial Lactic 15%Mild exfoliant with moisture retention properties
Purifying Facial Salicylic 30%Deeply purifies pores and improve the appearance of uneven texture and tone
Anti aging Facial Glycolic 30% - 60%Promotes overall improvement in tightening and toning of the skin
Brightening Facial Jessner
Made for congested, dehydrated, sun damaged or hyperpigmented skin

For more information phone Amber Beauty Salon
Telephone 0207 724 2800
Or come down to see us


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