January Newsletter 2011

Hello and Welcome back to Amber Beauty Salon and the year 2011 we hope this will be a very prosperous year for all of our clients and everyone at Seymour leisure Centre.

To welcome in the New Year at Amber Beauty we have a selection of treatment on Sale for January 2011 only.

Crystal Clear Oxygen Classic ¾ Hr Was £65.00 Now £40.00

Aromatic Facial 1Hr Was £48.00 Now £30.00

For Men Groom and Relax 1 ½ Hr Was £70.00 Now £50.00

Eye Lash tint ½ Hr was £18.00 now £12.00

Eye Brow Tidy ¼ Hr Was £14.00 Now £10.00

Crystal Clear MDA Flash ½ Hr Was £50.00 Now £35.00

To book your appointment please call or book via our website

Telephone 0207 724 2800
Amber beauty Salon for all your beauty needs


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