Summer Newsletter 2015
Summer is about baring skin and showing off the beautiful (fake) summer tan you have. But in order to look good bearing that skin, you need to take some time to ready your skin and reverse the signs of neglect you showed your skin during winter and spring. Use these tips for glowing skin and get ready for summer
1.  Exfoliate Your Body:  Full Body Exfoliation 1 Hr £40.00
It's so very important to exfoliate your skin. Your body sheds skin cells at an amazing rate every minute of every day. If you don't get rid of them, they'll just sitting on your skin making you look dull and dry. No matter how much lotion you use, you're never going to have glowing skin if you don't exfoliate. Grab a body scrub and hit the shower. Gently exfoliator in circular movements on your entire body (facial exfoliator for face and neck) rinse clean. Continue to do this 2-3 times a week for year-round beautiful skin.
2.  Hydrate your Body with a Summer-Scented Lotion:  Hydrazone Corps 400ml £34.00
Find a summery lotion that you won't forget to put on. It's time to pack away your thick winter body butters for more light summery lotions. You don't have time to wait for your lotion to sink in, so look for something light fast absorbing.  Apply right after you dry off from your shower, to seal in the moisture your body just soaked in.
3.  Get a Safe Summer Glow:  BeauBronz spray Tan ½ hr £20.00
You have so many choices when it comes to adding a little summer tint to your skin, and the tanning bed shouldn't be one of them. Using a fake tan will give your skin a beautiful start to summer. Even if you're not a fan of fake tan all over your body, you can happily use them on your face. If you alternate your moisturiser with one that builds a bit of colour, you'll have a healthy glow that will make it look as though you just spent the weekend on the beach.
4.  Don't Forget Your Feet:  Pedicure 1 hr £30.00
Winter boots have long since been packed away; it's sandal season ladies. Either go and get a pedicure or give yourself an at-home pedicure. Scrub off the dead dry skin to reveal your sandal ready feet. Nothing is worse than seeing dull dry feet inside cute sandals. It doesn't have to be a big ordeal. Keep a foot scrub and file in your shower and scrub your feet a few times a week. You'll notice a big difference in the softness of your feet
5.  Find a New Bold Summer Polish:  Orly Gel FX Manicure £22.00
Buy a bold new polish for your toes. Toe nails can be painted a much bolder colour than you would usually put on your fingernails. Pick a polish that says summer. Polish stay on your toes longer than your hands. Apply a base, two coats of colour and top coat to protect. Put on flip-flops for a couple of hours let your polish dry.
6.  Out with the Old - Buy a New Sunscreen: Moistuising Sunscreen 150 ml SPF 15 £17.75

Throw away last year's unused sunscreen for a new bottle. Sunscreens aren't meant to last forever, and seeing most people doesn’t use as much as they should, be safe and pick up a new one. Reapply every 1-2 hours that you are in the sun to ensure a summer full of safe sun fun.


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