Hello to anyone who maybe reading this blog.

 I would like to introduce myself to you after all these years of having this page I don’t think I have ever done that.

My name is Patsy and I am the owner of Amber Beauty Salon I am based in the Seymour Leisure Center and I have been here for 18 years.

This post today is about a new piece of equipment that I have gone out on a limb to purchase for the salon; it is a LPG M6 Alliance machine which treats the Face and Body.

I had this treatment 2 weeks ago mainly on my thighs and stomach and after 20 minutes I put my jeans on and was very impressed with the result so if you are looking for a better looking body and you diet and exercise then this treatment is for you.

For more information please check out my website www.amberbeautysalon.co.uk

Thank you


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