My Rubbish Day

My Rubbish Day

Today I have decided to stop reading my emails, the first one I read this morning told me I was rubbish at writing and presenting my blog and should go on the internet and get some ideas they even left me links to follow. 

They could be right about this!!!

The second email asks this question” Do you have the clients you want and is your premises the type of place they would like to have their treatments” now I am really having a rubbish day.

I have my salon in the basement of a sport center, due to the rain fall this weekend the  basement was flooded there is no light in the corridor and the walls are damp, I need to fine new premises like yesterday.

I still have a few more hours to go before I finish my shift I need a glass of wine or a really nice client to come in and cheer me up with a great smile and a happy hello.

Clients can really make your day


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